Transformational Coaching
Transformational Coaching dives below the surface, gets to the essence and illuminates one’s inner operating system. All coaching approaches foster self-awareness. Transformational Coaching goes beyond that – it enables people to attend to the structures which underlie their sense of self (who they believe they are) and then, through an exploration of being, to assume higher than realized levels of existence (who they desire to be). It is an expanded or shifted way of being that generates the desired results and outcomes.
In simple terms, Transformational Coaching is focused on enabling self-actualization. Far more than „options-strategy-action“ to attain goals or clarity or to get better at something, Transformational Coaching dives deep into an individual’s phyche, focusing on who that person is and desires to become. It is therefore an ontological approach, because it is about ‚being‘ rather than ‚doing‘. The driving question during a Transformational Coaching journey is „Who do you need to be in order for your goals and dreams to become a reality?“. It is about upgrading your own identity.
As a Transformational Coach I assist my clients in revealing and re-programming the very core interpretations and beliefs that hold them back from fulfillment in all aspects of life, using a variety of tools and techniques, such as reframing perspectives, evoking awareness, NLP, Clear Beliefs™ Coaching and ThetaHealing®. That is why, I also love to use as well the term „Transformational Mindset Coaching“, in order to describe the full spectrum of my services. Because at the end of the day, it is all about mastering your mindset and your perspective., in order to create your own reality.
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Clear Beliefs™ Coaching
The Clear Beliefs™ Coaching Method was created by Lion Goodman, PCC (ICF). It is built on a solid foundation of both scientific and philosophical research in developmental and positive psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness practices, somatic awareness, guided imagery, and consciousness studies. It is a unique synthesis of more than 40 years of study, practice, and refinement of practical techniques that work.
As a Clear Beliefs™ Coach and by using the transformational tools of the Clear Beliefs™ Coaching Method, I am able to communicate directly with my client’s subconscious mind and clear whatever is standing in their way – whether physical, emotional, mental, psychological, or spiritual. This method creates long-lasting transformation by clearing limiting beliefs and healing childhood wounds, Inner Voices and traumas.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method of influencing our brain’s behavior through the use of language and other types of communication to enable us to „recode“ the way our brain responds to stimuli. It is a way of modelling successful patterns of behavior so that they can be replicated.
NLP offers new ways of understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. It gives you the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but also to learn how to gain more control over what we considered to be automatic functions of our own neurology and to re-program your concious as well your subconcious mind.
The language that you use, and more specifically, how you communicate with others as well with yourself , the so-called „self-talk“, are influencing significantly your reality. Programming is the way our past experiences, thoughts and emotions affect all areas of our lives. NLP offers ways to manage emotional states and a set of tools and techniques on how to re-program beliefs and behaviors and how to model other people’s fine qualities.
The ThetaHealing® technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995. It is a meditation technique utilizing a spiritual philosophy for improvement and evolvement of mind, body and spirit.
This training method for your mind, body and spirit allows you to clear limiting beliefs, heal past wounds and traumas and live life with positive thoughts, developing virtues in all that you do. Through meditation and by reaching the so called „theta“ brain waves, the ThetaHealing® Technique allows you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed.
This practice can quickly reveal systems of beliefs, showing the body how to replace limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones, so that you can manifest the life you have always dreamed of!
Transformational Mindset Coaching & ThetaHealing
Master your mindset & create your own reality.